Our New (Still Itty Bitty) City Kitchen

I haven’t been posting a lot lately.

But that’s becuase I haven’t been cooking a lot lately.

We spent much of our summer closing on, doing work on and moving into our new apartment.

We’re still in the city.

And my kitchen is still Itty Bitty.

But it’s got a smarter layout and a few more cabinets. Yay storage.

Here it is actually.

I also was really excited to have more counter space.

Until I realized that the fancy hood over the stove meant there was no microwave/vent combo that i had grown used to.

Which meant that we’d have to put a microwave on the counter.

Which meant that I’d lose counter space.

But Dad to the rescue!!

He came up with this awesome idea to use all thread, some nuts and a shelf we had that actually matched the cabinets perfectly.

Holes drilled into the cabinet; holes drilled into the shelf, all thread and some time getting it all level, and voila!

Can’t wait to share with you from our new kitchen!