Today is my 100th post! It’s also my SITS day!
What a lovely coincidence.
If you’re not familiar with SITS, you should be! Check them out here.
It’s a fantastic community of women who offer blogging tips and advice and who support their fellow female bloggers. I’ve found some incredibly inspiring stories, some killer recipes and lots of giggles on the pages of the blogs of these ladies.
I was never one of those girls with lots of girl friends.
I was always really close with my dad (I still am), and with all my boy cousins, I grew up very much a tom boy.

I’m incredibly lucky to have a dad who will watch movies or a football game with me and then come help me pick out my wedding dress. I’m thankful to him for teaching me how to throw a perfect spiral – I never ever threw like a girl. And having such a solid relationship with my dad has definitely helped me have such an incredible relationship with my fiance. Your dad’s the first guy who loves you.
The relationship with my dad is probably why I always hung with boys. All through high school and college, I was always the one girl with the guys. I didn’t understand girls. They seemed catty and sometimes downright mean. My guy friends were fun. And things were just easy with them. It was about laughs not about makeup.
I mean, check out my guys below. Don’t they just look awesome?

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to see the value in those female friendships. When you find a few good women in your life, you really *get* what girlfriends are all about.
My first friends were my parents. I think as an only child you just get a different relationship with your parents than you would if you had siblings.
My mom is the person I tell everything. As I’m about to get married, I know my fiance will become more and more my number one confidante, but sometimes, you just want your mom. She gets that when I’m crying, it’s because I’m angry, not upset, and she knows when to push and when to keep her mouth shut (most of the time). I was always baffled when some of the girls I grew up with said they didn’t really talk to their moms. I can’t imagine not talking to her or not sharing everything with her.

I’ve told you I’m an only child, but I never really felt like one. I have a ton of cousins, so I wasn’t like totally isolated from kids. I also grew up with a very close friend, who is as close to a sister without being blood as you can get. I’ve known her since first grade. She’s Jill and I’m Jack. We were definitely meant to be a twosome! She is a beautiful person inside and out.

And we’ve grown up together and changed and gotten married and gotten engaged and moved around, but we’re still Jack and Jill.

And every girl needs a partner in crime. I met mine in high school and she is the nonfat milk in my coffee. We’ve been separated by distance and higher learning (only she knows what that means) but it hasn’t stopped Romy and Michelle. Getting into concerts without tickets is a fine art that we have mastered.

I’m also really excited to have some new wonderful ladies in my life.

My fiance’s brother has a lovely girlfriend, Sam, who is incredibly talented, smart and fun. I’m so so so lucky to have a great relationship with her and with my future-brother-in-law.
And having heard so many mother-in-law horror stories, I’m even more lucky to be friends with my future mother-in-law. She is an incredibly fun and funny woman who should start her own blog. Patty P. has been loving and caring since the day I have met her and has always made me feel like family.
I guess every woman reaches a stage in her life where she realizes that she needs some strong females she can call on as backup, as comfort and as friends.
I’m not just saying Happy SITS to me, but to the women who have helped make me who I am.